Saturday, 24 March 2012


You might be shocked & saddened to hear that I experienced a rather large loss just 48 hours ago. At a dance night someone helped themselves to my leather jacket (with smartphone & car keys in), and my bag containing my best dance shoes, purse, perfume, event flyers, shades, torch... all the essentials for a girl on the road!

After the initial shock had worn off, I, as is customary for me, thought about how I could turn this into a positive? It didn't take me long. In my last post I think I mentioned something about me wanting to reduce the time and energy I spend on facebook - quickly accomplished! I am STILL without a phone and have another 72 hours to endure yet - the longest since I purchased my first one over 10 years ago!

I consider it a gift that I have been left with more of my own thoughts during inbetween times yesterday and today - eg upon waking, at the bus stop (my spare car keys were on their way to me), in a queue, any spare second used to be spent checking for messages, updates, new likes on my page! & whilst I doubt I'll abandon facebook any time soon, the amount of time I have regained is noticeable, so I thank you thief, for that. New hard soled brogues with a block heel (on my list of things to acquire - now accomplished!). Thank you thief. 

In addition, the outpour of support and help from all quarters has been so uplifting, again, I choose to thank the thief! 

Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating thievery as an admirable profession - even though I DO love Hustle! I am pointing out that we can't control what happens to us but we can control how we react to it, & every so often something happens to show us something exciting about ourselves that we just keep overlooking. I always knew I was generally pretty great in a crisis, but during this one I was assisted very closely by a very new friend during my 'critical' 24 hours afterwards. Numbers for lost/stolen cards & phones were found for me, supper was prepared for me (at 2am). Firefly was deployed to suitably distract me til I finally gave in to sleep around 4am... Emergency cash was also lent to me - by someone I had met only an hour or so before! AND surrounding roads and gardens were scouted for me, in the hope of finding a jettisoned pair of #sweatysize4s.

Next morning, a replacement designer leather jacket was offered to me & I woke to dozens of well wishes on facebook - #oohtheirony! 

This post was due to be about how much I enjoy dancing Switch (Lead &/or Follow), hence the Victor/Victoria pun. I still wish to celebrate that but may save some of it til next time. Before all this drama I had just been back up to Newcastle for a Love Balboa weekend with Zack Richard & Maryse LeBeau. Fab dancers, cool types - they invited me over there to stay with them. Looks like I'll have to fit in Canadia too when I pop across the pond. Shame... Here's a (very short!) video of me dancing with Zack from Montreal, courtesy of Jazzy Lemon, #photographeextraordinaire!

Soon after dancing here I swooped through Yorkshire for another couple of quick Balboa fixes with BalboaNorth (Leeds) & Bella Balboa (Sheffield). Then, Cotswold Balboa Festival for a full one! What is there to say about this except well-executed event? Great crowd, inspirational teachers, oh and as is customary, an awesome afterparty. This came complete with pub dancing - told you I'm at home on this trip - other people wanna get up to it as often as me! Throw in a requested (correction, demanded!) acapella performance from me & superb cardistry from Gontran Galinier - one very talented and hard working guy, & there you have it! The teachers were all from Studio Hop in Toulouse so the people and families there really did have something to moan about this week. I consider myself very lucky to have just had possessions taken. I'd say blessed if I believed. Let's say I'm grateful, thankful... full!

So what was the new fact I needed to learn about myself...? I figured out (properly this time!) that whilst I'll always be strong, resilient, self-reliant, obsessively efficient, a leader, an entrepreneur, businesswoman, performer, entertainer, resourceful - in short, worthy of praise for what I have done / can DO...
I am in fact, loved and cared for - by virtual strangers as well as family and friends - because of WHO I AM.
I daresay the same can be said of you - if you just look again. So, before we all rush to prove ourselves & chase 'new likes', let's BE at peace with who we know we are and the rest will surely follow.

Oh and Gontran and I did a Switch dance - he is 6'5" and it was videoed so you'll see it as soon as I get a copy...Til then, adieu! 

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