Saturday, 19 November 2011

Publish & be damned!

My, my, passions were running high this week! In every way possible. Another eventful, slightly frustrating yet life affirming few days. Some of it I must keep to myself - to protect the guilty if you will. Some (too much?) I share here.

Pouring a quite decent Montepulciano as I now do, barely after noon, I'm feeling at once decadent & disdainful. I awoke to an exciting fact: I rounded the 100 followers on twitter mark. Very modest in these times of #newfangledfaxmachine but I was chuffed. My 'follower of the week' has to be NYC comedian, Steve Hofstetter, famed for his biting heckler smackdowns. At 26,000+ followers and following only 7100+,  rather strange, then that he should be interested in me. Was it my #occupywallst has kicked right off! guess support for NYPD might wain...? tweet? Or my good looks & charm...? ... Probably the #nypdbrutality thing!  (there I said it)

I was in NYC exactly 10 years ago to this day & the vibe then was still one of a city in shock. I felt completely safe touring around the city all night in the car of  man I had met after a Carmen Lundy gig. Barely knowing him doesn't even cut it, I'd have been pushed to remember his name by the time I touched down back home in the UK! He took me to Hogs & Heifers, smooth talking his way past a massive queue, #turnon. Needless to say we had a total blast! I resisted the ritual, maybe next time! #meatpackingdistrict didn't seem scary at all. It was like the city had been brought so close to the edge that the edge was gone from the city.
In my mind atleast!

Dear reader you will be pleased to note I survived, (unscathed) my quite insanely misjudged night out with said 'gent'! (I was but a young thing, set free in the metropolis whilst the neutered city did appear to slumber, for once).

Enjoyed DJing and hanging out with Glasgow Lindy Hoppers 
Fast forward 10 years & it is I who is now coping with clipped wings (ooh the irony). I won't repeat the reasons why (they are catalogued below), suffice to say, I reckon I've broken the back of it. A quick jaunt up to Scotland was a welcome tonic too.
Whilst many dancing friends congregate without me in London, my housemates (with a little help from a well known chain) continue to efficiently & politely hunter/gather for me. I, with my wpm increasing steadily, seek to entertain, to connect, to matter.

Looking forward to my next singing engagement back in my hometown of Manchester is just one of the things that will be lighting my dark nights this week - just as Lumiere lights the streets of my current city of Durham.

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