It has been said that I never do things by half, and in true Velodious form, this first week on tour has been no exception. The aforementioned injury was finally taking it's toll so upon the advice of my rather fabulous new housemates I drove (yes, drove) to the Urgent Care Centre in Peterlee - a quite lovely drive along the B1283 if you're ever in the area.
After a short wait, (thanks
NHS!) my foot was prodded, x-ray'd and it was confirmed that I had in fact broken the neck of the 5th
metatarsal. A jagged, nasty break I could see from the x-ray image and my, my did it explain a lot! As having never broken a bone before, I can only presume that because I could stand on it (of a fashion, painfully, and only quite a few minutes after it happened), I of course assumed nothing could be seriously wrong.
Any excuse to be carried!
When I informed the nurse that the incident had occurred 6 days previous, I had driven from Manchester to Durham the day after & danced alternate nights on it since, his expression was a picture! Whipping out my cameraphone just felt wrong somehow so you'll just have to conjure up that image yourself! He did say that I was obviously 'not a wimp' or words to that effect.
He didn't hear me scream like a girl during the incident itself - mind you that was from the excitement just before the clatter, not the pain just after - I was pretty silent for a few minutes then I can tell you!
I am a firm believer that it's when your back is against the wall that you find out who you truly are. Of course for most of us, for most of the time, it is only the
perception that there is imminent danger or disaster which makes us power up or panic ... & that was me Saturday night. The extra hour in bed was somewhat fortuitous as I did wake at 3am wondering what
'the hell' was I going to do...?
You see, I was no longer just dealing with a bit of a dodgy foot that would no doubt heal any day, I was now under doctors orders to rest, NOT dance, NOT drive, AND be on crutches for up to 6 weeks. Spanner in the works doesn't really cut it when you've just relocated 130+ miles away from friends & family to launch your year of dance! I have to confess that during that dark hour before the dawn I did 'reach for the facebook'... It did help put me back to sleep though.
Upon attending the fracture clinic first thing Sunday morning, I discovered the prognosis was a little more favourable - 3 weeks rest, elevate, elevate! then come see us again. I breathed out (finally). & so, dear reader, the adventure continues,
Dorothy's biography is on it's way to me, the
Lindy Jazz team have been amazing & we are on track for a fantastic launch party in
Washington! Tonight's costume..? Stumbling zombie I think.